Added a new quest into Forsaken Isles. The questline is called "Peace Through Violence". The quest was developed by our new dev, Phantaminum. The quest can be picked up in Falsecross, from Viola Fox
All seasonal event instanced dungeons will now use altars (same mechanic as the peerless use) to spawn the bosses for the events. This will allow for back-to-back quest runs (when time boosts are used for the quest).
Fixed bug that allowed skeleton key/master skeleton key to work from outside backpack
Fixed issue with be unable to claim reward on drowning quest
Added dragon turtle armor back into tailoring menu
Dragon turtle armor recipe scrolls will now drop in Isle of Eacotura
Added anniversary robe back into tailoring menu
Rewrote potion key withdrawal to allow for withdrawing stacks of potions [this system was written for when potions were not stackable]
Animation fix on anniversary robe
Animation fixes on dragon turtle gear
Multi fixes on a few pre-built houses with incorrect pieces
Fixed animations on vice/virtue shields
Fixed lantern paperdoll unlit graphic
House and foundation sink have been added to the customize menu on the house sign gump. Costs have been converted from the prior legendary dust amounts to gold. A confirmation gump will pop up when you select an option for you to choose to proceed or cancel. A house must be foundation sunk before you can sink a house level. A house can only be foundation sunk once. Foundation sinks cost 1m gold and house level sinks 4m gold per level. You can only sink your home if you're not already at the min elevation. You also will not be able to sink your home if you have a cellar laid out. Please keep in mind, just as it is with house moves, if you have yard deco laid out you will need to remove it before you lower your home. Your yard decor will NOT automatically move with your lowered plot. We have also added an option to unsink a house level, which will refund the gold to your account you paid for a house level sink and raise the house back up a level. The number of house sinks will be tracked and cannot exceed 3 (due to homes being 4 levels). Keep in mind, your home must be customized before sinking or it will be inaccessible.
Merchant coins are being phased out. Moving forward, gold will be deposited into your account in place of merchant coins for crafting, harvesting and filling bulk orders. Old merchant coins will remain along with merchant pouches but they will no longer accumulate coins. You are welcome to remove your pouch as it will no longer be functional. We may eventually fully remove them, but in the meantime we will be leaving them for player's to be able to sell their coins off. Merchant guildmaster's will be removed (with the exception of one NPC, which will be left at the Britain Bank). This change was made in order to fix a severe bug and streamline the system.
Fixed issue with drowning info quest.
Moved a stealable artifact in Tomb of Adramus that became unreachable with recent dungeon map fixes.
Fixed issues with vampires summoning vampire bats in instances. Added back in ability for vampires to summon vampire bats.
Fixed an issue with planting marijuana seeds in Pomona's Farms.
Fixed an issue with grass tiles causing small holes in the graphic (this caused yard deco to sometimes go under the selected tile).
Clilocs for house menu updates.
Anti-adverts module now uses the correct jail command (to prevent players from escaping all items must be stripped from their person before sending to jail).
Added gold nuggets to mining keys
Changes from last update to lobster traps has been temporarily reverted due to a few bugs.
Fixed incorrect message when using balance deed.
Added lobster traps to lobster & crab storage key.
Lobster traps will no longer break when left underwater too long. The functionality has been changed to make them more user friendly and maximize catches. You will now have a chance to break the trap upon opening it (in your backpack) instead of underwater. The traps will hold up to 5 lobsters/crabs (with double the amount in Felucca). The traps will send a message when they are full.
You will now fish up clams when fishing (in place of white pearls). The clams will provide both clam meat and a white pearl when consumed.
Added clam meat & oyster to gourmet chef key. -Added clam to lobster & crab key
Fixed issues with yard clippers not working on homes owned on the same account by another player.
Pumpkin King Armor set will now drop in the hold of Pumpkin Galleons (Rare set drop).
Fixed issues with Elven and Human Race Change quests. Both quests will now provide a race change item.
Unicorns will no longer bob up and down.
Quest Markers will appear for npc's properly for NPC's even while mounted.
Fixed issue allowing Recipe scrolls and natural, special natural dyes and Jack's bag of tricks to be used/consumed outside of backpack.
Fixed natural dyes dropping as special natural dyes from bulk order rewards.
Fixed display areas for BoD rewards to replace missing items.
Fixed issues with Bulk Order Deeds frequently generating non-exceptional for players with high skill (skills outside of Blacksmithy had this issue).
Fixed underwater bubble effect issues. Bubble effect previously only kicked on when you logged in underwater. It now kicks on when you login underwater, and when you enter the region.
Fixed an issue with Pet Power Scroll of Choice where picking wrestling gave tactics skill.
Seed machine will now drop seeds and produce in a stack to the ground if your pack is overloaded.
Added customizable garden signs to carpentry menu. These signs are available in east and south. Double click the sign and target a piece of produce to display the produce on the sign.
Added Ethereal Moose to LoS Store Zero Slot Ethereals.
Patched map files for new map area [under development].
Fixed serpentine dragon, unicorn, and charger of the fallen mount animations.
Mango graphic is now stackable.
Fixed drop location height for statue pedestals.
Graphics for customizable garden signs.
Bees can now be maintained by friends.
Added maple syrup, red chili pepper, jalapeno pepers, coriander, and fresh ginger to gourmet chef key.
Added dates to gardener's key.
Fixed issues with items requiring corn on gourmet cooking menu.
Gourmet cooking now uses bibb lettuce for cooking purposes (to go with the farming system).
Harvestable trees no longer require axe to be equipped to chop.
Harvestable trees no longer allow you to chop them mounted .
Yard items are no longer able to be destroyed with double click (to prevent accidental deletion of items). You now need to sell yard items with the context menu sell option.
Fixed weights on custom produce.
Added strawberry seeds to seed machine processing and storage keys
Updated Razor and Razor Enhanced assistants on the patcher.
Added farming tiles to yard clippers ground tiles. These tiles will function for planting farming crops on. The crops will automatically delete when the yard tiles are removed.
Added new pumpkins to the pumpkin carving craft system.
Added new rewards to the Halloween events.
Added new rewards to Gravedigging.
Added contest winning house plot to the house placement tool. Shadowforge by Achaus can be found on the tool under Legends of Sosaria Custom plots.
Crafting from keys with beverages has been disabled due to issues withdrawing proper beverage. You will need to craft items that use beverages from your backpack
Added house plot.
Time boost UI will now pop up when you attempt to use valor when the 24 hour cooldown is applied. You can now apply time boosts to shorten/remove the wait period. Note: You will still require the valor amount to invoke the virtue.
Fix the issue with incorrect body value on swamp dragon.
Added gourmet cooking tool to tool key.
Added gourmet chef NPC
Performance and bug fixes on Relics of Ter Mur and Grave Digger quest.
Fixed issue with quest markers not appearing on some NPC's (Victoria the Sorceress was one).
Strawberry graphic is now stackable.
Fixed acid elemental corpse graphic.
Name properties on weapons, armor, and jewelry have been adjusted. We are attempting to standardize the crafted properties, material type, name, imbued tag, etc on items. Please note we may make further adjustments/changes to this. This should resolve any issues with renaming items with rename deeds.
All NPC's that offer a quest now have a quest marker. Please note, we may need to make further adjustments on the animation for this so if you see any npc's that it sits odd on, please let us know.
The animal dung (poop) system was rewritten to centralize the timers to help reduce lag. The timers were also slowed to hourly instead of every 15 minutes.
Further region music adjustments were made for custom music.
Alchemist's satchel will now drop from the Tinker quest in Heartwood to craft 50 empty bottles (has a chance of dropping the darkglow/invisibility/parasitic poison recipes, quest name is "Message in a Bottle").
Adjusted 110 pet powerscroll drop rate.
Added gourmet cooking to powerscroll of choice and alphabetized skills on UI.
Added ninjitsu to pet powerscroll of choice.
Fixed an issue with using rename deed on armor putting the new name on a 2nd line underneath the original name. Please page staff if you have used one of these and would like your item fixed as this change will only effect newly crafted items from this point onward.
Added custom music to various regions.
Added Fenrir's name to the holiday staff name list for snowmen and jack-o-lanterns
Auto restart has been adjusted to 9 AM Atlantic Time.
Houses now default to doors and teleporters set to co-owner for security instead of owner (due to our shard allowing co-owners to customize houses).
The house customization contest officially started on the 1st. You will have until the 15th to finish customizing your plot. The voting period will begin on the 16th and run to the 22nd. Any late entries to the contest will be accepted up to the 14th. Please page staff to join the contest.
The fall harvest quest has also officially begun, and will run for the month of September.
Fix incorrect graphic on flipping Stag Mask.
Smithy hammer graphic was updated to a larger graphic by player suggestions.
Added gourmet cooking skill.
Fix: Huntmaster's challenge will still allow you to claim rewards when the event is turned off
Fixed issues with Auto Restart causing small reverts from not saving right before shut down
Warning from shut down for Auto Restart will now be called in minutes instead of seconds (10 minute warning)
Drop rate of blackrock was increased from mining. Additionally, it was added to the diving bonus resource list as well as for foraging (foraging in Malas only). The highest drop rate of the 3 options will be from foraging.
Added new rewards to the Fall Harvest Quest
Added a new Fall Harvest themed Britain Bank
Bullfrogs in the Hag Quest have been replaced with Froghemoth, which you can find spawned around the swamps in Trammel and Felucca
Added a new custom house plot to the house placement tool under LoS Customs called Modern Stone Villa. This house is foundationless. Screenshot below.
For any of those who missed the announcement, biweekly and monthly raffles have been turned on. They are located in Malas, Custom, Display Gates area. Items being raffled are on display.
Multi & cliloc files for custom house plot
Drop rate on terathan avenger arms has been increased.
Removed auto-stable from Tomb of Adramus region.
You can now get more than one permit at a time from Huntmaster. This is to prevent players from trashing their permits and being unable to get a new one.
Fixed graphic on field pumpkin crop.
Updated graphic on some of the peerless keys to make the graphics more visible. Added tooltip on peerless keys.
Added 5 new creatures to the Hunting Event.
Added new rewards to the Hunting Event.
Added Best Kill Board to the Hunting Event The teleporter for the event will now be linked. I was holding off on activating it until I got this update in.
There was a large graphic update on the farming crops.
Updated graphic on Shilaxrinar's Birthright. There are some issues in the anniversary robe graphic (which was also used by Shilaxrinar's Birthright.) If you are wearing one of these, please page and we will provide a free appearance change deed to fix your robe.
Fixed code issue with staff runebook that caused shard to lock-up during world save.
Large graphic update. Added 2400+ new graphics.
Added lamb shanks to meat list for preferred foods for pets.
Fixed issue with laying out houses with house slot deeds.
\Fixed layout on last page of [mystats gump.
Fixed an issue with name not refreshing on merchant coin pouch after character use's a rename deed.
Fixed bug with seasonal event quest cannons. Cannons can only be laid out at sea market or land now to prevent damage output issues.
Fixed bug with repairing cannons -The Treasure Hunt seasonal event will be left up for an additional month to allow more time to complete quest runs.
Fixed fire steed graphic issue on Taming Bulk Order Deeds
Resolved an issue with Adramus spawned golems causing server lockup.
All custom quest NPC's now have quest markers. If you find any NPC's with custom quests that we missed, please page and let us know.
Fixed issue with time on seed machine that exceeds 24 hours reading incorrectly.
Map changes for Oceania (under development).
Fixed animation issues with gargoyle shields that resulted from last animation update
Treasure Hunt Seasonal event bug fixes.
Fixed bug with mailbox security issue
Fixed issue with large plate shield animation​
Resolved issues with seed machine testing. Seed machines have been added to Farming Bulk Order rewards. This item will allow you to add farming produce and convert it to seeds. It takes 2 minutes to create a seed from each piece of product, with a max capacity of 1000. You can only process one type of produce at a time. Info and screenshots will be provided on the farming wiki page.
Fixed trash functionality in Venus Flytrap Addon.
Adjusted bard song timers for threnody spells to make the durations more consistent.
Fixed issues with humility quest gump. You can now refuse your reward for humility quest (and only this quest).
Fixed dialogue for Laifem's quest.
Replaced Gargoyle race option on player owned NPC's with Vampire.
A fix was added for the rare occurrence of shrunken pets disappearing. Please let staff know if you still have this issue with a page detailing the pet name, pet type and when the pet disappeared.
Relayers can now be appearance changed. Weapons can ONLY be appearance changed when they are in a slot that is not one or two handed as is the case with relayers.
Fixed faster cast speed max to show 4 when protection or Urali potion is applied.
You no longer need to carry arrows in quiver to shoot efficiently from quivers with < 100% lower ammo cost. It will now efficiently withdraw arrows from the wood storage key.
Fixed client crash when you click on something other than a pet or another leash when using a pet leash.
Fixed issues with magery skill not gaining after a certain point for pets with magery mastery.
Mage AI can now cast summon and field spells.
Resolved issue with peerless being bumped from Instanced Dungeons to Felucca Britain after instance deletion.
Fixed issues with corpse container drag/drop. Removed blocker that disallowed dropping items into a corpse container (to protect from item loss). As there is the option to double click to loot via CUO, this protection is no longer necessary, and since it interferes with moving items in loot containers has caused more harm than good. Max weight was also increased on corpses to fix any issues where the loot was too heavy for the container (This was the case with Lady Melisande and some other bosses and when you tried to move an item in the corpse it bounced to the player's feet instead of back into the container).
Added 9 new paintings to St Patty's rewards. 8 of these paintings were made off of real photos from Castiel's trip to Ireland.
Fixed issue with new spell condition duration, mystical healing power and spell effect duration not showing on spell books.
Added mystical healing power, spell effect duration, spell condition duration and healing power to [mystats gump.
Removed repetitive messages updating about help tickets. We have had a lot of players removing help tickets before getting their ticket handled because of this message. From this point on, any pages removed from the help system will be assumed to have been resolved. Help tickets must remain in the queue to receive a response.
Fixed an issue with shrinking pets that leads to a client crash.
Fixed custom treasure maps appearing blank / with the wrong facet file (two facet files were patched in to fix this issue, one for each custom facet).
Added 2 new custom reward spellbooks to Forsaken Isles, 6 OSI books to Peerless, and 1 custom book to Tomb of Adramus. There are now artifact spell books available for every casting system to provide for relayer options.
Added a treasure goblin which will be a rare spawn in Forsaken Isles. The treasure goblin will have special artifact drops in addition to peerless drops and a gold shower.
Fixed issue with St Patty's footprints.
Server maintenance/cleanup.
There will not be many updates forthcoming as we are closing in on finishing development. We are now focusing on keeping uptime high and stability in connection/gameplay/bug fixes.
Patch Files:
Due to multiple requests, we have decided to replace the tree graphics with smaller trees.
Update to new lamps for Forsaken Isle rewards to match the light glow color to the color of the lamp bulbs.
Added 12 new rewards to the Valentine's Event.
Fixed a bug that stopped plant progression after the last restart. Plant status will now be displayed on the line below the plant name
Fixed issue with House Nexus no longer working for co-owners. Added security settings to context menu option for House Nexus. -Changed price on Green Tea Baskets on NPC's.
Fixed label on Black Tea Baskets.
Added grapes onto chef's storage key.
Fixed exploit with temporary hues in hue room on shrunken pets. You can now only shrink/unshrink your pet once the temporary hue has worn off.
Adjusted storage key gumps to allow for more space for longer digits.
Celestials and Tombkeepers now have a context menu option called "Dress Up". This will allow you to target their backpack to dress from or target an individual piece of equipment in your pack or their pack. Additionally, a command called [dresspet has been added which will allow you to target your celestial or tombkeeper, and then brings up the target for equipment.
All types of plant seeds in the first generation plant list will now drop in red, blue and yellow hues. Please note, you will still need to crossbreed plants if you wish to obtain all plant hues.
Fixed an issue with custom hued plant seeds not dropping from naturalist quest.
Fixed issue where co-owners of houses could release secures set to owner only.
Fixed name listed on [myhouses command for starter houses.
Stealing skill changes: No changes for under 120 skill. At 120 skill, you will be able to steal with one hand free instead of both, or with a two-handed weapon with the balanced property. At 130 skill, you will be able to steal with both hands filled.
Added a deed to the LoS Store to add the balanced property to a weapon.
Pet's no longer have to have their packs emptied to shrink.
Added magical snow. You will find this around the towns. When you double click the snow, something magical will happen.
Added a new item to winter event rewards. Santa's Sack of Gifts now gives a treat once per day during the winter seasonal event
Graphics for magical snow
Resolved all issues with restart timers not working properly in some quest chains. All of the quest chains timers will start with the last chain in the quest. Timers for all seasonal quests are 8 hours. Lockout timers for all of the instanced dungeons for seasonal events have been set to 0.
Added ferry system. This system will connect docks for travel by ferry via Ferry Captains. More docks and entrances to access the water in Forsaken Isles will be built ASAP to support the diving system.
Added some new rewards to the winter events. Santa sleigh addon, snowglobe addon, advent calendar, ice rink addon, and snowballs. Please note some of these addons are rather large, and will only work in larger plots (30x30 or 24x24).
Added workable glass, toxic venom sac, and ocean sapphire to adventurers key.
Added new music to custom areas: Seasonal Event Areas: Winter event area, Lucky's Hut, Vday Quest Area; Custom Dungeons: Archaeology Dungeon, New Player Dungeon, Sunless Citadel, Tomb of Adramus, Nature's Grove, Archaeology Museum; Custom Regions/Facets: All over Forsaken Isles, Abecedaria, Pomona's Farms, Isle of Eacotura, Great Ape Lair, Crystal Cavern, Moonglow Castle.
Added new music.
Added labels for custom maps for Ferry system.
Graphics for new reward items.
Fixed map issues on winter event dungeon.
Resolved issues with chain quests not loading data properly after a restart. If you were on any chain quests before today's restart, you will need to quit them and restart them to complete them. However, moving forward the issues is resolved.
Dungeon fixes for seasonal event
The dungeon for the Naughty List quest has been moved to a duplicate of Ice Dungeon. A portal outside of Santa's workshop in the quest area is linked to the dungeon. This dungeon is linked back to the quest area, and the other end of the dungeon is linked to the entrance of Gryla's lair.
Removed old code from Relics of Ter Mur from pre-removal of gargoyles that set the itemID onto a couple of the relics on equip for humans, which prevented appearance changing the items.
Fixed issues with bane dragon that prevented feeding it if its power level was full.
Fixed issues with diving that caused player to pop on top of the water on harvest action.
Dungeon fixes for seasonal event.
Added strawberry seeds for sale on farmer.
Resolved issues with dropping colored boards into lumberjack's satchel.
Fixed issue with laying out boats in Forsaken Isles .
Pet bonding potions are now stackable.
You can now combine charges on pet leashes
Map patch for future Forsaken Isles content.
Fixed a bug with repair bench causing it to send message "someone else is using this".
Selling to NPC vendors now deposits to account gold.
Hive tool uses can now be combined by double clicking the tool and targeting another hive tool. The same logic has been added to combine Skeleton Keys and Master Skeleton Keys as well.
Fixed lit graphic on welcome Jack-o-lantern.
Fixed client crash issue with foraging.
Happy Halloween! Today is the last day of the Halloween seasonal quests. The nightmare before Xmas seasonal quest will start tonight. The pumpkin patches, player zombies, and trick or treating will be active until the next restart. There will be a special gift drop today for Halloween.
Small soul forges and elven soul forge are now craftable with Carpentry.
Fixed an issue with the donation form.
Fixed hue on black cats for Halloween. Please let us know if black hues are messed up on anything else. There were a lot of black hues that were the same hue before the hue patch due to them being empty spaces, so it is possible that one of them have been used elsewhere.
Refined Small Wax Pot tool for refining beeswax. The gump will now open after each process, and the tool will now delete after the uses run out.
Beehives are now limited to 22 hives per plot. This change will only effect newly placed hives and not existing ones.
Added Hue Garden back. You can find it on the world omniporter under Trammel Custom. The NPC by the gate sells the dye tubs now and they've been removed from LoS Store. You can test hues using the statues. Please note, the testing is temporary. You will need to purchase a tub to make the hues permanent.
All black (empty) spaces are now filled with colors..
Achievement gump will now show progression of achievements even if they are not yet completed, as long as they are progressed. First tier of achievements will also show by default without progression.
Fixed an issue with racial ability books dropping to players pack from stewards
Fixed alignment on some of the newer plant graphics.
Added new animations for Forsaken Isles development.
Added new rewards to the Halloween quest.
Added 5 new pumpkins to pumpkin carving.
Temporarily reverted changes that caused bugs with bulk order books/deeds and instanced dungeons.
Fixed cooking bug that caused skill gain without succeeding on craft.
Fixed font on exterior decorator gump
Fixed font on Player Tombstone gump.
Players can now use yard wand in houses they are co-owned to.
Added yard clippers (yard wand). These are available for sale on the architect NPC, along with Exterior Decorator (moves items in yard up/down).
Fixed an issue with casting focus bonus not applying to caster/party members when casting Mage's Ballad.
All AI archer's will now use range fight
Fixed a bug with Pen of Wisdom allowing charges to go negative. The pen will now delete when the charges reach 0.
For the month of October, you will now find some spooky pumpkin themed Galleons sailing the ocean in Felucca pirated by Jack the Pumpkin King with his haunted crew.
Fixed graphic issues with skull cart addons.
Added ability to check status of your chicken coop on double click. Opening your coop will display a gump displaying if your chickens are unhappy or happy, and how many chickens are in the coop.
New seasonal deco items (this will not effect any old/existing items) that are able to be flipped will be able to on double click.
Graphics for chicken coop UI.
Adjusted drop rates on pet power scrolls.
Added new farming seeds to foraging.
Added bush berries to keys.
Added cake mix, cookie mix, cupcake mix, dough, pie dough, sack flour, sweet dough, yeast dough to chef's key and gourmet chef's key.
Fixed cocoa butter and cocoa liquor to account for exceptional/non-exceptional. Note: Exceptional items will go into gourmet chef's key and normal will go into chef's key.
Fixed a bug causing bubble effect to happen outside of Forsaken Isles underwater region.
Fixed accidental removal of raw lamb leg from chef's keys.
Added new crop seeds purchasable from Farmers.
Added new crops to Farming Bulk Orders.
Added new fruit bushes to Pomona's Farms (Blackberry, Blueberry, Raspberry).
Added 3 new trees to Pomona's Farms (Fig, Orange, Cherry)
Added new seeds and crops to gardener's key.
Map patch for Pomona's Farms to make room for new harvestable trees.
Fruit bush graphic added.
New crop graphics
Added diving system. More info on this will be added to the wiki. This system is still in development (there are a few issues to fix before release). Diving will currently only be available in Forsaken Isles.
Added new ore/granite. This ore/granite will be the highest end material and will only be found when mining while diving.
Added scuba mask. This will be required to wear so that the player does not drown while diving.
Fixed an issue with galleons missing components and causing holes in the galleons.
Respawned pirate ships in Forsaken Isles after resolving galleon issues.
Added chicken coops. These will store chickens. If you your coop contains hay and water, your chickens will lay eggs. These hold a max of 8 chickens and 50 eggs. Info on these will be added to the wiki page. Please make sure you are patched before you use a coop. We have patched in new context menu options to make these work.
Finished developing the first questline in Forsaken Isles. This quest is called "The Curse of the Coans". It is repeatable once every 24 hours. We will not be sharing info on how to get through this dungeon. The challenge and fun of this questline will be figuring out how to advance through this dungeon.
Cooking revamp. Added new gourmet cooking system. This system has much more detailed recipes/ingredients. This crafting system will also use the cooking skill. Currently, there are appetizers, main courses, and desserts available to make. There will be preserves and beverages added at a later date.
Added new meats to purchase from butcher.
The 'butter churn' from the farming BoD rewards will now be a functional item that can be used to make butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, and ice cream/popsicles.
Added ice cubes. These will come from breaking glaciers around Icehelm in Forsaken Isles.
Added gourmet chef's key. This will store ingredients for the gourmet cooking system.
Added spice trader. You can find the spice trader at the Farmer's Market in Pomona Farms with the other market vendors.
Added chance of fishing up an oyster as a bonus resource while fishing.
Added oysters to shellfish key.
Added scuba mask graphic for diving.
Added new context menu options -Added new clilocs for gourmet cooking
Matches are now consumed upon each fire of a cannon.
Appearance change deeds now work on quivers.
Fixed an issue with coagulated legs not dropping off corrosive slimes.
A new custom quest is currently under development for a new dungeon in Forsaken Isles. The questline will be called "The Curse of the Coans".
There is now a small chance of blunder cannons dropping in galleon holds.
Added a message on clicking the tattered pirate map (for seasonal event) to make it more intuitive that the map must be used in Felucca.
Fixed market cart addons.
Removed old powder charge from tailoring crafting menu.
Removed old light and heavy powder charge and light and heavy cannonballs from dropping in galleon holds as these ammo no longer will work in the cannons.
Ships can now be repaired anywhere and emergency repairs have been removed.
Fixed an issue with server time reading incorrectly. Server time is now back to UTC.
Finishing adjustments on the Treasure Hunt seasonal event (starts on July 1st).4
Resolved an issue with some achievements getting cut off in the achievement menu.
Added new quest achievements for the Treasure Hunt seasonal event. 30 runs of the event will reward the talisman.
Forsaken Isles will now spawn pirate ships.
Fixed shrink graphic on unicorn.
Development on the Treasure Hunt seasonal event are complete and the event is now in testing in preparations for its launch next month.
Fixed issue with new SOS chest graphic being deleted when chest is too full to fit in pack. Chests will now properly drop at feet as per previous functionality.
Fixed Login rewards not resetting after completion of all 30 days.
Cure, Poison, Strength, and Heal Sprinklers will now work on beehives as well as plants.
Added agility sprinkler for beehives.
Fixed an issue with starter house not allowing lockdowns.
Added small cobbled house to house placement tool.
Added in ocean regions in Forsaken Isles. This feature is in beta testing. Your ship (and the player operating the ship) will both take damage inside of these water regions. More information will be available on the wiki, along with a map showing the different regions. Please note, you will not be allowed to lay out your boat within one of these regions. You can however, sail through the regions (though it will be very difficult to do so without the fortifications on your ship). There will be 3 levels of regions. The lowest level will represent a stormy/windy area that will do mild damage to the player and their ship. Level 2 will be a region with sirens, and will do mid level damage to the player and ship. Level 3 will be a glacial region, and will do heavy damage to the player and ship. There will be three different levels of fortification available to add onto your galleons. These will be available as a reward in upcoming quests. These fortifications will not be able to be used on regular boats.
Added Coan tribe NPC's and Coan Chief for a quest under development for Forsaken Isles.
Blocked the ability to level items that have uses to prevent weapon loss.
Cliloc for starter house.
Added clilocs for ship fortification (Unfortified, durable, resilient, icebreaker).
More map updates for Forsaken Isles upcoming quest content -Special sound effects for ships for Forsaken Isle water regions.
Map updates for dungeon development for Forsaken Isles.
Updated achievement gump.
Resolved issues with skill gain achievements. Skill gain achievements are no long cumulative.
Fixed an issue with cellar deed missing selection button on style list.
Changed small house style for starting player houses.
(Player Suggestion) Increased drop rate of toxic venom sacs on Toxic Slith.
Fixed body value of Enraged Earth Elemental.
Fix to ability to hue crate/wooden box graphics.
Added small cobbled house.
There is now a chance to forage bamboo in Tokuno as a bonus resource.
Updated Easter Quest. There will now be a boss battle added in addition to egg gathering for the easter quest. The Easter Quest egg hunt area has also been moved.
You can now craft full spellbooks. Crafting will consume the scrolls from your pack first, and if the scrolls are not in your pack, it will consume the scrolls from your keys.
You can now customize your house even if you have rented out vendors in the house.
Updated craft achievements. Each craft system now has achievements for crafting any item from each type of craft menu on the list. Achievements wiki has been updated for the information on the rewards for these new achievements.
Fixed body value on Jezebel Locke.
Fixed corpse graphic on acid elementals.
Fixed grape cart & harvest cart addon graphics.
Updated range on pike, pitchfork and bladed staff to 2.
Updated slayer list to include new spawn from Forsaken Isles (and some spawn we previously missed).
You can now view other players achievements. Use [ach to check other players achievements and [myach to check your own.
Added auto loom. This house addon will automatically convert all of the flax, cotton, and wool in your pack to cloth. Usable once every 24 hours.
Graphic fix on auto loom.
Added new effects for mining and lumberjacking.
Fixed an issue with gravedigger's shovel not going into tool keys. They were converted to a tool so they can be properly added. Old versions were deleted and any players who had charges of them will receive replacements of the new versions.
Changed graphic for treasure map chests and SOS chests.
You can now equip shovels.
Added whips. These will be available through upcoming Forsaken Isles content.
Lance, Scythe, Spear, Halberd and Bardiche now have a range of 2.
A large patch update was put through for new graphics.
Updated sounds.
Patched support in chairs and containers files for custom chairs & containers
St Patty's Event is live! See wiki for more details.
Fixed ethereal voyage not properly restoring body value after spell wears off. Changed body value on ethereal voyage.
Fixed body value on angelic faith spell.
Fixed an issue with the titles menu and name changes. Name changes (via name change deed or a disguise) will now clear off any karma title set through the titles menu (other than the default title) so that the paperdoll will update with the name change.
Updated gem/mining cart graphics. These addons will need to be chopped/laid out again to reset them if you already have them laid out in your home.
All spawn in Forsaken Isles will receive a damage bump, including animals. This will only apply to wild creatures and not controlled/tamed/summoned creatures.
Added a boss for the Easter event.
Fixed graphics for pot of gold and irish stew addons.
The luck dragon has been adjusted and now will do more damage the luckier the opponent they are fighting is.
Fixed an issue with nixies being unable to swim.
Finished incorporating the new spell effect duration property and condition duration property. These properties will be available on upcoming gear.
The patcher has been updated with a fixed Discord link. Please note, if you relocated where the patcher patches your client you may need to do so again.
Graphic Updates.
Fixed an issue with skills codex not dropping on character creation for the first character on the account for new players.
Removed cap on healing amount for close wounds spell.
Added new properties "Healing Power", "Mystical Healing Power", "Spell Condition Duration", and "Spell Effect Duration". These properties will cap at 100%. These properties will be incorporated into Forsaken Isles as we add in new quests/rewards. Healing Power will apply a multiplier on the amount healed with bandages and spells. Spell Effect Duration will apply a multiplier on debuff duration from spells. Spell Condition Duration will apply a multiplier on buff duration from spells. These properties will not be immediately available. We are just adding in the framework for them for us to add into new items.
Change massive str requirement from 125 to 225.
Removed lower stat requirements off level options.
Removed lower stat requirements from counting as an imbuing property.
Fixed tooltip not refreshing properly on mining/gem cart.
Fixed an issue with the Demon King damage.
Similar to the functionality of the bulk order books, you can now place power scroll books, transcendence books, and alacrity books on player vendors as not for sale to have priced scrolls for sale inside them. Please keep in mind that these will not appear on vendor search. If you decide to use this feature, you are sacrificing the ability for them to show on vendor search.
Added fishing poles and gravediggers shovel to tool keys. Keep in mind this will remove the adds from runic fishing poles. If you want to protect your fishing pole from being pulled into keys, use the [keyguard command.
Fixed incorrect graphic on frog statue from Swamp Fishing rewards.
Fixed tropical bird body value.
Added new spawn to Forsaken Isles (Tree Pythons, Spectral Trolls, Lightning Golems, Hangman Trees, Forest Landwyrms, Dire Horses).
Added ridable polar bears, ridable panda bears, and ridable dire bears.
Added elephants to Isle of Eacotura.
Fixed Lacey's spawn location.
Fixed a bug with pet power scroll of choice (105-130) in the LoS Store creating the wrong skill value once you select the skill.
Added new version of Scroll of Alacrity books. These have replaced the previous version on the inscription menu. Note: new spawn will be spawned in the next couple of days
Horses will now spawn in 4 body values. Updated 0 slot ethereal horses on LoS Store Stone to have one available for each body value.
Changed body value on snow elementals and frost spiders.
Valentine's Event is live for the month of February. See wiki for more details.
You can now add power scrolls to the new books when they are locked down.
Updated ClassicUO version to current
Removed young status for new players to avoid confusion with restrictions on New Player Dungeon.
List of hues for furniture, metallic, and leather dye tubs have been redone.
Added metallic dye tub, white cloth dye tub, and white leather dye tubs to vet rewards list.
Fixed an issue with furniture tub causing it to no longer properly work on furniture.
Magery quest for a full spellbook will now require training to 60 skill to complete. We made this change due to a lot of players started with 50 skill and not being able to take the quest.
Added achievements section for collectibles. We will be incorporating new collectibles into this as we develop them.
Added framework for vanity pets. These pets will be immortal pets that do not need to be fed. They are decorative only and do not function the same as regular pets. You can only have 1 out at a time and they do not count toward regular pet slots.
Replaced power scroll books with a version similar to the pet power scroll book. The old books will not be deleted, however future books crafted from the inscription menu will be the new version. These books can be used from your backpack.
Fixed a bug with AFK command not clearing AFK title when player returns by using speech instead of the command.
Fixed an issue with repairing Jack the Pumpkin King's helm. It can now be repaired with masonry.
Added new animations.
Fixed pumpkin helmet to be a light source.
Fix typo in Blasphemy's Destruction talisman.
Bulk Order Deed timer reduced from 6 hrs to 4 hrs.
Changed description in New Player Skill Info Quest to list that codex gives 10 skills instead of 5.
Removed bushido penalty from parry chance with shield. Adjusted formulas to effect parry chance with 130 bushido/parry to cap at 50 with shield, 45 with two handed weapon, and 40 with a one handed weapon with no shield.
Fixed typo in Grave Digger's quest dialogue with Linda.
Bone armor was adjusted to account for training tailoring to 130.
Removed gargoyle artifacts from peerless drops.
Fixed a load issue with achievement data.
Login achievements have been re-enabled after bug fixes
Resolved Issues with last update with new Legendary Sash. Changes were re-implemented.
Achievements are now handled by account instead of per character.
Added login reward achievements. These will contain 30 rewards that players can repeatedly obtain. More info along with the list of rewards can be found on the wiki page. As this is a new and custom system, please report any bugs via the page system.
Updated to .NET 7.0.
Achievement gump update
Added [AFK command. Command will announce above players head that they are away from keyboard. It will also place a temporary title behind the player's name that says [Away From Keyboard]. The title will clear and a message will appear above the player's head when they use the command again and return to the game.
Added Belphegor's Legendary Sash. This item will be for sale in the LoS Store on the stone with the quivers. This item is the melee equivalent of the Legendary Quiver. Belphegor's Legendary Quiver's will now come with 25% Damage modifier. Please note that old quivers are grandfathered in with their existing 50% modifier. This change will only affect future purchases.
Rebalanced toughness of Winter Event Spawn.
Anti-adverts module now uses the correct jail command (to prevent players from escaping all items must be stripped from their person before sending to jail).
Added gold nuggets to mining keys
Changes from last update to lobster traps has been temporarily reverted due to a few bugs.
Fixed incorrect message when using balance deed.
Added lobster traps to lobster & crab storage key.
Lobster traps will no longer break when left underwater too long. The functionality has been changed to make them more user friendly and maximize catches. You will now have a chance to break the trap upon opening it (in your backpack) instead of underwater. The traps will hold up to 5 lobsters/crabs (with double the amount in Felucca). The traps will send a message when they are full.
You will now fish up clams when fishing (in place of white pearls). The clams will provide both clam meat and a white pearl when consumed.
Added clam meat & oyster to gourmet chef key. -Added clam to lobster & crab key
Fixed issues with yard clippers not working on homes owned on the same account by another player.
Pumpkin King Armor set will now drop in the hold of Pumpkin Galleons (Rare set drop).
Fixed issues with Elven and Human Race Change quests. Both quests will now provide a race change item.
Unicorns will no longer bob up and down.
Quest Markers will appear for npc's properly for NPC's even while mounted.
Fixed issue allowing Recipe scrolls and natural, special natural dyes and Jack's bag of tricks to be used/consumed outside of backpack.
Fixed natural dyes dropping as special natural dyes from bulk order rewards.
Fixed display areas for BoD rewards to replace missing items.
Fixed issues with Bulk Order Deeds frequently generating non-exceptional for players with high skill (skills outside of Blacksmithy had this issue).
Fixed underwater bubble effect issues. Bubble effect previously only kicked on when you logged in underwater. It now kicks on when you login underwater, and when you enter the region.
Fixed an issue with Pet Power Scroll of Choice where picking wrestling gave tactics skill.
Seed machine will now drop seeds and produce in a stack to the ground if your pack is overloaded.
Added customizable garden signs to carpentry menu. These signs are available in east and south. Double click the sign and target a piece of produce to display the produce on the sign.
Added Ethereal Moose to LoS Store Zero Slot Ethereals.
Patched map files for new map area [under development].
Fixed serpentine dragon, unicorn, and charger of the fallen mount animations.
Mango graphic is now stackable.
Fixed drop location height for statue pedestals.
Graphics for customizable garden signs.
Bees can now be maintained by friends.
Added maple syrup, red chili pepper, jalapeno pepers, coriander, and fresh ginger to gourmet chef key.
Added dates to gardener's key.
Fixed issues with items requiring corn on gourmet cooking menu.
Gourmet cooking now uses bibb lettuce for cooking purposes (to go with the farming system).
Harvestable trees no longer require axe to be equipped to chop.
Harvestable trees no longer allow you to chop them mounted .
Yard items are no longer able to be destroyed with double click (to prevent accidental deletion of items). You now need to sell yard items with the context menu sell option.
Fixed weights on custom produce.
Added strawberry seeds to seed machine processing and storage keys
Updated Razor and Razor Enhanced assistants on the patcher.
Added farming tiles to yard clippers ground tiles. These tiles will function for planting farming crops on. The crops will automatically delete when the yard tiles are removed.
Added new pumpkins to the pumpkin carving craft system.
Added new rewards to the Halloween events.
Added new rewards to Gravedigging.
Added contest winning house plot to the house placement tool. Shadowforge by Achaus can be found on the tool under Legends of Sosaria Custom plots.
Crafting from keys with beverages has been disabled due to issues withdrawing proper beverage. You will need to craft items that use beverages from your backpack
Added house plot.
Time boost UI will now pop up when you attempt to use valor when the 24 hour cooldown is applied. You can now apply time boosts to shorten/remove the wait period. Note: You will still require the valor amount to invoke the virtue.
Fix the issue with incorrect body value on swamp dragon.
Added gourmet cooking tool to tool key.
Added gourmet chef NPC
Performance and bug fixes on Relics of Ter Mur and Grave Digger quest.
Fixed issue with quest markers not appearing on some NPC's (Victoria the Sorceress was one).
Strawberry graphic is now stackable.
Fixed acid elemental corpse graphic.
Name properties on weapons, armor, and jewelry have been adjusted. We are attempting to standardize the crafted properties, material type, name, imbued tag, etc on items. Please note we may make further adjustments/changes to this. This should resolve any issues with renaming items with rename deeds.
All NPC's that offer a quest now have a quest marker. Please note, we may need to make further adjustments on the animation for this so if you see any npc's that it sits odd on, please let us know.
The animal dung (poop) system was rewritten to centralize the timers to help reduce lag. The timers were also slowed to hourly instead of every 15 minutes.
Further region music adjustments were made for custom music.
Alchemist's satchel will now drop from the Tinker quest in Heartwood to craft 50 empty bottles (has a chance of dropping the darkglow/invisibility/parasitic poison recipes, quest name is "Message in a Bottle").
Adjusted 110 pet powerscroll drop rate.
Added gourmet cooking to powerscroll of choice and alphabetized skills on UI.
Added ninjitsu to pet powerscroll of choice.
Fixed an issue with using rename deed on armor putting the new name on a 2nd line underneath the original name. Please page staff if you have used one of these and would like your item fixed as this change will only effect newly crafted items from this point onward.
Added custom music to various regions.
Added Fenrir's name to the holiday staff name list for snowmen and jack-o-lanterns
Auto restart has been adjusted to 9 AM Atlantic Time.
Houses now default to doors and teleporters set to co-owner for security instead of owner (due to our shard allowing co-owners to customize houses).
The house customization contest officially started on the 1st. You will have until the 15th to finish customizing your plot. The voting period will begin on the 16th and run to the 22nd. Any late entries to the contest will be accepted up to the 14th. Please page staff to join the contest.
The fall harvest quest has also officially begun, and will run for the month of September.
Fix incorrect graphic on flipping Stag Mask.
Smithy hammer graphic was updated to a larger graphic by player suggestions.
Added gourmet cooking skill.
Fix: Huntmaster's challenge will still allow you to claim rewards when the event is turned off
Fixed issues with Auto Restart causing small reverts from not saving right before shut down
Warning from shut down for Auto Restart will now be called in minutes instead of seconds (10 minute warning)
Drop rate of blackrock was increased from mining. Additionally, it was added to the diving bonus resource list as well as for foraging (foraging in Malas only). The highest drop rate of the 3 options will be from foraging.
Added new rewards to the Fall Harvest Quest
Added a new Fall Harvest themed Britain Bank
Bullfrogs in the Hag Quest have been replaced with Froghemoth, which you can find spawned around the swamps in Trammel and Felucca
Added a new custom house plot to the house placement tool under LoS Customs called Modern Stone Villa. This house is foundationless. Screenshot below.
For any of those who missed the announcement, biweekly and monthly raffles have been turned on. They are located in Malas, Custom, Display Gates area. Items being raffled are on display.
Multi & cliloc files for custom house plot
Drop rate on terathan avenger arms has been increased.
Removed auto-stable from Tomb of Adramus region.
You can now get more than one permit at a time from Huntmaster. This is to prevent players from trashing their permits and being unable to get a new one.
Fixed graphic on field pumpkin crop.
Updated graphic on some of the peerless keys to make the graphics more visible. Added tooltip on peerless keys.
Added 5 new creatures to the Hunting Event.
Added new rewards to the Hunting Event.
Added Best Kill Board to the Hunting Event The teleporter for the event will now be linked. I was holding off on activating it until I got this update in.
There was a large graphic update on the farming crops.
Updated graphic on Shilaxrinar's Birthright. There are some issues in the anniversary robe graphic (which was also used by Shilaxrinar's Birthright.) If you are wearing one of these, please page and we will provide a free appearance change deed to fix your robe.
Fixed code issue with staff runebook that caused shard to lock-up during world save.
Large graphic update. Added 2400+ new graphics.
Added lamb shanks to meat list for preferred foods for pets.
Fixed issue with laying out houses with house slot deeds.
\Fixed layout on last page of [mystats gump.
Fixed an issue with name not refreshing on merchant coin pouch after character use's a rename deed.
Fixed bug with seasonal event quest cannons. Cannons can only be laid out at sea market or land now to prevent damage output issues.
Fixed bug with repairing cannons -The Treasure Hunt seasonal event will be left up for an additional month to allow more time to complete quest runs.
Fixed fire steed graphic issue on Taming Bulk Order Deeds
Resolved an issue with Adramus spawned golems causing server lockup.
All custom quest NPC's now have quest markers. If you find any NPC's with custom quests that we missed, please page and let us know.
Fixed issue with time on seed machine that exceeds 24 hours reading incorrectly.
Map changes for Oceania (under development).
Fixed animation issues with gargoyle shields that resulted from last animation update
Treasure Hunt Seasonal event bug fixes.
Fixed bug with mailbox security issue
Fixed issue with large plate shield animation​
Resolved issues with seed machine testing. Seed machines have been added to Farming Bulk Order rewards. This item will allow you to add farming produce and convert it to seeds. It takes 2 minutes to create a seed from each piece of product, with a max capacity of 1000. You can only process one type of produce at a time. Info and screenshots will be provided on the farming wiki page.
Fixed trash functionality in Venus Flytrap Addon.
Adjusted bard song timers for threnody spells to make the durations more consistent.
Fixed issues with humility quest gump. You can now refuse your reward for humility quest (and only this quest).
Fixed dialogue for Laifem's quest.
Replaced Gargoyle race option on player owned NPC's with Vampire.
A fix was added for the rare occurrence of shrunken pets disappearing. Please let staff know if you still have this issue with a page detailing the pet name, pet type and when the pet disappeared.
Relayers can now be appearance changed. Weapons can ONLY be appearance changed when they are in a slot that is not one or two handed as is the case with relayers.
Fixed faster cast speed max to show 4 when protection or Urali potion is applied.
You no longer need to carry arrows in quiver to shoot efficiently from quivers with < 100% lower ammo cost. It will now efficiently withdraw arrows from the wood storage key.
Fixed client crash when you click on something other than a pet or another leash when using a pet leash.
Fixed issues with magery skill not gaining after a certain point for pets with magery mastery.
Mage AI can now cast summon and field spells.
Resolved issue with peerless being bumped from Instanced Dungeons to Felucca Britain after instance deletion.
Fixed issues with corpse container drag/drop. Removed blocker that disallowed dropping items into a corpse container (to protect from item loss). As there is the option to double click to loot via CUO, this protection is no longer necessary, and since it interferes with moving items in loot containers has caused more harm than good. Max weight was also increased on corpses to fix any issues where the loot was too heavy for the container (This was the case with Lady Melisande and some other bosses and when you tried to move an item in the corpse it bounced to the player's feet instead of back into the container).
Added 9 new paintings to St Patty's rewards. 8 of these paintings were made off of real photos from Castiel's trip to Ireland.
Fixed issue with new spell condition duration, mystical healing power and spell effect duration not showing on spell books.
Added mystical healing power, spell effect duration, spell condition duration and healing power to [mystats gump.
Removed repetitive messages updating about help tickets. We have had a lot of players removing help tickets before getting their ticket handled because of this message. From this point on, any pages removed from the help system will be assumed to have been resolved. Help tickets must remain in the queue to receive a response.
Fixed an issue with shrinking pets that leads to a client crash.
Fixed custom treasure maps appearing blank / with the wrong facet file (two facet files were patched in to fix this issue, one for each custom facet).
Added 2 new custom reward spellbooks to Forsaken Isles, 6 OSI books to Peerless, and 1 custom book to Tomb of Adramus. There are now artifact spell books available for every casting system to provide for relayer options.
Added a treasure goblin which will be a rare spawn in Forsaken Isles. The treasure goblin will have special artifact drops in addition to peerless drops and a gold shower.
Fixed issue with St Patty's footprints.
Server maintenance/cleanup.
There will not be many updates forthcoming as we are closing in on finishing development. We are now focusing on keeping uptime high and stability in connection/gameplay/bug fixes.
Patch Files:
Due to multiple requests, we have decided to replace the tree graphics with smaller trees.
Update to new lamps for Forsaken Isle rewards to match the light glow color to the color of the lamp bulbs.
Added 12 new rewards to the Valentine's Event.
Fixed a bug that stopped plant progression after the last restart. Plant status will now be displayed on the line below the plant name
Fixed issue with House Nexus no longer working for co-owners. Added security settings to context menu option for House Nexus. -Changed price on Green Tea Baskets on NPC's.
Fixed label on Black Tea Baskets.
Added grapes onto chef's storage key.
Fixed exploit with temporary hues in hue room on shrunken pets. You can now only shrink/unshrink your pet once the temporary hue has worn off.
Adjusted storage key gumps to allow for more space for longer digits.
Celestials and Tombkeepers now have a context menu option called "Dress Up". This will allow you to target their backpack to dress from or target an individual piece of equipment in your pack or their pack. Additionally, a command called [dresspet has been added which will allow you to target your celestial or tombkeeper, and then brings up the target for equipment.
All types of plant seeds in the first generation plant list will now drop in red, blue and yellow hues. Please note, you will still need to crossbreed plants if you wish to obtain all plant hues.
Fixed an issue with custom hued plant seeds not dropping from naturalist quest.
Fixed issue where co-owners of houses could release secures set to owner only.
Fixed name listed on [myhouses command for starter houses.
Stealing skill changes: No changes for under 120 skill. At 120 skill, you will be able to steal with one hand free instead of both, or with a two-handed weapon with the balanced property. At 130 skill, you will be able to steal with both hands filled.
Added a deed to the LoS Store to add the balanced property to a weapon.
Pet's no longer have to have their packs emptied to shrink.
Added magical snow. You will find this around the towns. When you double click the snow, something magical will happen.
Added a new item to winter event rewards. Santa's Sack of Gifts now gives a treat once per day during the winter seasonal event
Graphics for magical snow
Resolved all issues with restart timers not working properly in some quest chains. All of the quest chains timers will start with the last chain in the quest. Timers for all seasonal quests are 8 hours. Lockout timers for all of the instanced dungeons for seasonal events have been set to 0.
Added ferry system. This system will connect docks for travel by ferry via Ferry Captains. More docks and entrances to access the water in Forsaken Isles will be built ASAP to support the diving system.
Added some new rewards to the winter events. Santa sleigh addon, snowglobe addon, advent calendar, ice rink addon, and snowballs. Please note some of these addons are rather large, and will only work in larger plots (30x30 or 24x24).
Added workable glass, toxic venom sac, and ocean sapphire to adventurers key.
Added new music to custom areas: Seasonal Event Areas: Winter event area, Lucky's Hut, Vday Quest Area; Custom Dungeons: Archaeology Dungeon, New Player Dungeon, Sunless Citadel, Tomb of Adramus, Nature's Grove, Archaeology Museum; Custom Regions/Facets: All over Forsaken Isles, Abecedaria, Pomona's Farms, Isle of Eacotura, Great Ape Lair, Crystal Cavern, Moonglow Castle.
Added new music.
Added labels for custom maps for Ferry system.
Graphics for new reward items.
Fixed map issues on winter event dungeon.
Resolved issues with chain quests not loading data properly after a restart. If you were on any chain quests before today's restart, you will need to quit them and restart them to complete them. However, moving forward the issues is resolved.
Dungeon fixes for seasonal event
The dungeon for the Naughty List quest has been moved to a duplicate of Ice Dungeon. A portal outside of Santa's workshop in the quest area is linked to the dungeon. This dungeon is linked back to the quest area, and the other end of the dungeon is linked to the entrance of Gryla's lair.
Removed old code from Relics of Ter Mur from pre-removal of gargoyles that set the itemID onto a couple of the relics on equip for humans, which prevented appearance changing the items.
Fixed issues with bane dragon that prevented feeding it if its power level was full.
Fixed issues with diving that caused player to pop on top of the water on harvest action.
Dungeon fixes for seasonal event.
Added strawberry seeds for sale on farmer.
Resolved issues with dropping colored boards into lumberjack's satchel.
Fixed issue with laying out boats in Forsaken Isles .
Pet bonding potions are now stackable.
You can now combine charges on pet leashes
Map patch for future Forsaken Isles content.
Fixed a bug with repair bench causing it to send message "someone else is using this".
Selling to NPC vendors now deposits to account gold.
Hive tool uses can now be combined by double clicking the tool and targeting another hive tool. The same logic has been added to combine Skeleton Keys and Master Skeleton Keys as well.
Fixed lit graphic on welcome Jack-o-lantern.
Fixed client crash issue with foraging.
Happy Halloween! Today is the last day of the Halloween seasonal quests. The nightmare before Xmas seasonal quest will start tonight. The pumpkin patches, player zombies, and trick or treating will be active until the next restart. There will be a special gift drop today for Halloween.
Small soul forges and elven soul forge are now craftable with Carpentry.
Fixed an issue with the donation form.
Fixed hue on black cats for Halloween. Please let us know if black hues are messed up on anything else. There were a lot of black hues that were the same hue before the hue patch due to them being empty spaces, so it is possible that one of them have been used elsewhere.
Refined Small Wax Pot tool for refining beeswax. The gump will now open after each process, and the tool will now delete after the uses run out.
Beehives are now limited to 22 hives per plot. This change will only effect newly placed hives and not existing ones.
Added Hue Garden back. You can find it on the world omniporter under Trammel Custom. The NPC by the gate sells the dye tubs now and they've been removed from LoS Store. You can test hues using the statues. Please note, the testing is temporary. You will need to purchase a tub to make the hues permanent.
All black (empty) spaces are now filled with colors..
Achievement gump will now show progression of achievements even if they are not yet completed, as long as they are progressed. First tier of achievements will also show by default without progression.
Fixed an issue with racial ability books dropping to players pack from stewards
Fixed alignment on some of the newer plant graphics.
Added new animations for Forsaken Isles development.
Added new rewards to the Halloween quest.
Added 5 new pumpkins to pumpkin carving.
Temporarily reverted changes that caused bugs with bulk order books/deeds and instanced dungeons.
Fixed cooking bug that caused skill gain without succeeding on craft.
Fixed font on exterior decorator gump
Fixed font on Player Tombstone gump.
Players can now use yard wand in houses they are co-owned to.
Added yard clippers (yard wand). These are available for sale on the architect NPC, along with Exterior Decorator (moves items in yard up/down).
Fixed an issue with casting focus bonus not applying to caster/party members when casting Mage's Ballad.
All AI archer's will now use range fight
Fixed a bug with Pen of Wisdom allowing charges to go negative. The pen will now delete when the charges reach 0.
For the month of October, you will now find some spooky pumpkin themed Galleons sailing the ocean in Felucca pirated by Jack the Pumpkin King with his haunted crew.
Fixed graphic issues with skull cart addons.
Added ability to check status of your chicken coop on double click. Opening your coop will display a gump displaying if your chickens are unhappy or happy, and how many chickens are in the coop.
New seasonal deco items (this will not effect any old/existing items) that are able to be flipped will be able to on double click.
Graphics for chicken coop UI.
Adjusted drop rates on pet power scrolls.
Added new farming seeds to foraging.
Added bush berries to keys.
Added cake mix, cookie mix, cupcake mix, dough, pie dough, sack flour, sweet dough, yeast dough to chef's key and gourmet chef's key.
Fixed cocoa butter and cocoa liquor to account for exceptional/non-exceptional. Note: Exceptional items will go into gourmet chef's key and normal will go into chef's key.
Fixed a bug causing bubble effect to happen outside of Forsaken Isles underwater region.
Fixed accidental removal of raw lamb leg from chef's keys.
Added new crop seeds purchasable from Farmers.
Added new crops to Farming Bulk Orders.
Added new fruit bushes to Pomona's Farms (Blackberry, Blueberry, Raspberry).
Added 3 new trees to Pomona's Farms (Fig, Orange, Cherry)
Added new seeds and crops to gardener's key.
Map patch for Pomona's Farms to make room for new harvestable trees.
Fruit bush graphic added.
New crop graphics
Added diving system. More info on this will be added to the wiki. This system is still in development (there are a few issues to fix before release). Diving will currently only be available in Forsaken Isles.
Added new ore/granite. This ore/granite will be the highest end material and will only be found when mining while diving.
Added scuba mask. This will be required to wear so that the player does not drown while diving.
Fixed an issue with galleons missing components and causing holes in the galleons.
Respawned pirate ships in Forsaken Isles after resolving galleon issues.
Added chicken coops. These will store chickens. If you your coop contains hay and water, your chickens will lay eggs. These hold a max of 8 chickens and 50 eggs. Info on these will be added to the wiki page. Please make sure you are patched before you use a coop. We have patched in new context menu options to make these work.
Finished developing the first questline in Forsaken Isles. This quest is called "The Curse of the Coans". It is repeatable once every 24 hours. We will not be sharing info on how to get through this dungeon. The challenge and fun of this questline will be figuring out how to advance through this dungeon.
Cooking revamp. Added new gourmet cooking system. This system has much more detailed recipes/ingredients. This crafting system will also use the cooking skill. Currently, there are appetizers, main courses, and desserts available to make. There will be preserves and beverages added at a later date.
Added new meats to purchase from butcher.
The 'butter churn' from the farming BoD rewards will now be a functional item that can be used to make butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, and ice cream/popsicles.
Added ice cubes. These will come from breaking glaciers around Icehelm in Forsaken Isles.
Added gourmet chef's key. This will store ingredients for the gourmet cooking system.
Added spice trader. You can find the spice trader at the Farmer's Market in Pomona Farms with the other market vendors.
Added chance of fishing up an oyster as a bonus resource while fishing.
Added oysters to shellfish key.
Added scuba mask graphic for diving.
Added new context menu options -Added new clilocs for gourmet cooking
Matches are now consumed upon each fire of a cannon.
Appearance change deeds now work on quivers.
Fixed an issue with coagulated legs not dropping off corrosive slimes.
A new custom quest is currently under development for a new dungeon in Forsaken Isles. The questline will be called "The Curse of the Coans".
There is now a small chance of blunder cannons dropping in galleon holds.
Added a message on clicking the tattered pirate map (for seasonal event) to make it more intuitive that the map must be used in Felucca.
Fixed market cart addons.
Removed old powder charge from tailoring crafting menu.
Removed old light and heavy powder charge and light and heavy cannonballs from dropping in galleon holds as these ammo no longer will work in the cannons.
Ships can now be repaired anywhere and emergency repairs have been removed.
Fixed an issue with server time reading incorrectly. Server time is now back to UTC.
Finishing adjustments on the Treasure Hunt seasonal event (starts on July 1st).4
Resolved an issue with some achievements getting cut off in the achievement menu.
Added new quest achievements for the Treasure Hunt seasonal event. 30 runs of the event will reward the talisman.
Forsaken Isles will now spawn pirate ships.
Fixed shrink graphic on unicorn.
Development on the Treasure Hunt seasonal event are complete and the event is now in testing in preparations for its launch next month.
Fixed issue with new SOS chest graphic being deleted when chest is too full to fit in pack. Chests will now properly drop at feet as per previous functionality.
Fixed Login rewards not resetting after completion of all 30 days.
Cure, Poison, Strength, and Heal Sprinklers will now work on beehives as well as plants.
Added agility sprinkler for beehives.
Fixed an issue with starter house not allowing lockdowns.
Added small cobbled house to house placement tool.
Added in ocean regions in Forsaken Isles. This feature is in beta testing. Your ship (and the player operating the ship) will both take damage inside of these water regions. More information will be available on the wiki, along with a map showing the different regions. Please note, you will not be allowed to lay out your boat within one of these regions. You can however, sail through the regions (though it will be very difficult to do so without the fortifications on your ship). There will be 3 levels of regions. The lowest level will represent a stormy/windy area that will do mild damage to the player and their ship. Level 2 will be a region with sirens, and will do mid level damage to the player and ship. Level 3 will be a glacial region, and will do heavy damage to the player and ship. There will be three different levels of fortification available to add onto your galleons. These will be available as a reward in upcoming quests. These fortifications will not be able to be used on regular boats.
Added Coan tribe NPC's and Coan Chief for a quest under development for Forsaken Isles.
Blocked the ability to level items that have uses to prevent weapon loss.
Cliloc for starter house.
Added clilocs for ship fortification (Unfortified, durable, resilient, icebreaker).
More map updates for Forsaken Isles upcoming quest content -Special sound effects for ships for Forsaken Isle water regions.
Map updates for dungeon development for Forsaken Isles.
Updated achievement gump.
Resolved issues with skill gain achievements. Skill gain achievements are no long cumulative.
Fixed an issue with cellar deed missing selection button on style list.
Changed small house style for starting player houses.
(Player Suggestion) Increased drop rate of toxic venom sacs on Toxic Slith.
Fixed body value of Enraged Earth Elemental.
Fix to ability to hue crate/wooden box graphics.
Added small cobbled house.
There is now a chance to forage bamboo in Tokuno as a bonus resource.
Updated Easter Quest. There will now be a boss battle added in addition to egg gathering for the easter quest. The Easter Quest egg hunt area has also been moved.
You can now craft full spellbooks. Crafting will consume the scrolls from your pack first, and if the scrolls are not in your pack, it will consume the scrolls from your keys.
You can now customize your house even if you have rented out vendors in the house.
Updated craft achievements. Each craft system now has achievements for crafting any item from each type of craft menu on the list. Achievements wiki has been updated for the information on the rewards for these new achievements.
Fixed body value on Jezebel Locke.
Fixed corpse graphic on acid elementals.
Fixed grape cart & harvest cart addon graphics.
Updated range on pike, pitchfork and bladed staff to 2.
Updated slayer list to include new spawn from Forsaken Isles (and some spawn we previously missed).
You can now view other players achievements. Use [ach to check other players achievements and [myach to check your own.
Added auto loom. This house addon will automatically convert all of the flax, cotton, and wool in your pack to cloth. Usable once every 24 hours.
Graphic fix on auto loom.
Added new effects for mining and lumberjacking.
Fixed an issue with gravedigger's shovel not going into tool keys. They were converted to a tool so they can be properly added. Old versions were deleted and any players who had charges of them will receive replacements of the new versions.
Changed graphic for treasure map chests and SOS chests.
You can now equip shovels.
Added whips. These will be available through upcoming Forsaken Isles content.
Lance, Scythe, Spear, Halberd and Bardiche now have a range of 2.
A large patch update was put through for new graphics.
Updated sounds.
Patched support in chairs and containers files for custom chairs & containers
St Patty's Event is live! See wiki for more details.
Fixed ethereal voyage not properly restoring body value after spell wears off. Changed body value on ethereal voyage.
Fixed body value on angelic faith spell.
Fixed an issue with the titles menu and name changes. Name changes (via name change deed or a disguise) will now clear off any karma title set through the titles menu (other than the default title) so that the paperdoll will update with the name change.
Updated gem/mining cart graphics. These addons will need to be chopped/laid out again to reset them if you already have them laid out in your home.
All spawn in Forsaken Isles will receive a damage bump, including animals. This will only apply to wild creatures and not controlled/tamed/summoned creatures.
Added a boss for the Easter event.
Fixed graphics for pot of gold and irish stew addons.
The luck dragon has been adjusted and now will do more damage the luckier the opponent they are fighting is.
Fixed an issue with nixies being unable to swim.
Finished incorporating the new spell effect duration property and condition duration property. These properties will be available on upcoming gear.
The patcher has been updated with a fixed Discord link. Please note, if you relocated where the patcher patches your client you may need to do so again.
Graphic Updates.
Fixed an issue with skills codex not dropping on character creation for the first character on the account for new players.
Removed cap on healing amount for close wounds spell.
Added new properties "Healing Power", "Mystical Healing Power", "Spell Condition Duration", and "Spell Effect Duration". These properties will cap at 100%. These properties will be incorporated into Forsaken Isles as we add in new quests/rewards. Healing Power will apply a multiplier on the amount healed with bandages and spells. Spell Effect Duration will apply a multiplier on debuff duration from spells. Spell Condition Duration will apply a multiplier on buff duration from spells. These properties will not be immediately available. We are just adding in the framework for them for us to add into new items.
Change massive str requirement from 125 to 225.
Removed lower stat requirements off level options.
Removed lower stat requirements from counting as an imbuing property.
Fixed tooltip not refreshing properly on mining/gem cart.
Fixed an issue with the Demon King damage.
Similar to the functionality of the bulk order books, you can now place power scroll books, transcendence books, and alacrity books on player vendors as not for sale to have priced scrolls for sale inside them. Please keep in mind that these will not appear on vendor search. If you decide to use this feature, you are sacrificing the ability for them to show on vendor search.
Added fishing poles and gravediggers shovel to tool keys. Keep in mind this will remove the adds from runic fishing poles. If you want to protect your fishing pole from being pulled into keys, use the [keyguard command.
Fixed incorrect graphic on frog statue from Swamp Fishing rewards.
Fixed tropical bird body value.
Added new spawn to Forsaken Isles (Tree Pythons, Spectral Trolls, Lightning Golems, Hangman Trees, Forest Landwyrms, Dire Horses).
Added ridable polar bears, ridable panda bears, and ridable dire bears.
Added elephants to Isle of Eacotura.
Fixed Lacey's spawn location.
Fixed a bug with pet power scroll of choice (105-130) in the LoS Store creating the wrong skill value once you select the skill.
Added new version of Scroll of Alacrity books. These have replaced the previous version on the inscription menu. Note: new spawn will be spawned in the next couple of days
Horses will now spawn in 4 body values. Updated 0 slot ethereal horses on LoS Store Stone to have one available for each body value.
Changed body value on snow elementals and frost spiders.
Valentine's Event is live for the month of February. See wiki for more details.
You can now add power scrolls to the new books when they are locked down.
Updated ClassicUO version to current
Removed young status for new players to avoid confusion with restrictions on New Player Dungeon.
List of hues for furniture, metallic, and leather dye tubs have been redone.
Added metallic dye tub, white cloth dye tub, and white leather dye tubs to vet rewards list.
Fixed an issue with furniture tub causing it to no longer properly work on furniture.
Magery quest for a full spellbook will now require training to 60 skill to complete. We made this change due to a lot of players started with 50 skill and not being able to take the quest.
Added achievements section for collectibles. We will be incorporating new collectibles into this as we develop them.
Added framework for vanity pets. These pets will be immortal pets that do not need to be fed. They are decorative only and do not function the same as regular pets. You can only have 1 out at a time and they do not count toward regular pet slots.
Replaced power scroll books with a version similar to the pet power scroll book. The old books will not be deleted, however future books crafted from the inscription menu will be the new version. These books can be used from your backpack.
Fixed a bug with AFK command not clearing AFK title when player returns by using speech instead of the command.
Fixed an issue with repairing Jack the Pumpkin King's helm. It can now be repaired with masonry.
Added new animations.
Fixed pumpkin helmet to be a light source.
Fix typo in Blasphemy's Destruction talisman.
Bulk Order Deed timer reduced from 6 hrs to 4 hrs.
Changed description in New Player Skill Info Quest to list that codex gives 10 skills instead of 5.
Removed bushido penalty from parry chance with shield. Adjusted formulas to effect parry chance with 130 bushido/parry to cap at 50 with shield, 45 with two handed weapon, and 40 with a one handed weapon with no shield.
Fixed typo in Grave Digger's quest dialogue with Linda.
Bone armor was adjusted to account for training tailoring to 130.
Removed gargoyle artifacts from peerless drops.
Fixed a load issue with achievement data.
Login achievements have been re-enabled after bug fixes
Resolved Issues with last update with new Legendary Sash. Changes were re-implemented.
Achievements are now handled by account instead of per character.
Added login reward achievements. These will contain 30 rewards that players can repeatedly obtain. More info along with the list of rewards can be found on the wiki page. As this is a new and custom system, please report any bugs via the page system.
Updated to .NET 7.0.
Achievement gump update
Added [AFK command. Command will announce above players head that they are away from keyboard. It will also place a temporary title behind the player's name that says [Away From Keyboard]. The title will clear and a message will appear above the player's head when they use the command again and return to the game.
Added Belphegor's Legendary Sash. This item will be for sale in the LoS Store on the stone with the quivers. This item is the melee equivalent of the Legendary Quiver. Belphegor's Legendary Quiver's will now come with 25% Damage modifier. Please note that old quivers are grandfathered in with their existing 50% modifier. This change will only affect future purchases.
Rebalanced toughness of Winter Event Spawn.